layout designed by alek
Weathered Treehouse


Comment history with crafty-designs


Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 comments

I hope I manage to learn sometime. I've been trying to learn code for 5 yrs now... seriously. I've been into MySpace since it first started. I just struggle so much with code. I usually just use codes somebody else made, with permission of course. The last time I got even remotely close to understanding code, I had a brain split, my head hurt, and I talked nonsense for 2 minutes, while crying, laughing, and making noises all around the same time. Yeah... very weird. I had a mental break down from it. I just can't handle it for some reason, when I can't understand something. It makes me so mad, that I screw something up in my head... I don't know why. I try sometimes, but I try my best to be careful, and not get too mad, cause I don't want what happened before, to happen again...

Posted by Weathered on Aug 12, 09 10:34 pm

Ohh I see, if you're determined to learn it, you could learn it. I'm learning as I go on with making layouts.

Posted by crafty-designs on Aug 12, 09 1:23 pm

I've had computer issues for months, and recently I've been too busy, but now everything is alright, so I can get to working on mine. That's what I meant by long over due. However, whatever I make, I can't actually make into a working layout, because I can't code. But I can do .PSDs so well, sigh - ha ha!

Posted by Weathered on Aug 11, 09 2:45 am

Sure, you can use it. Long over due?

Posted by crafty-designs on Aug 10, 09 6:47 pm

How am I suppose to know which code is for that? I don't even know what any of the codes there do... I just read, to find out where to put stuff.

Posted by Weathered on Oct 6, 08 3:36 pm

You make great layouts. I just wish they had rollover navigation, and a block link on most of them. By the way, how would I add the bottom links back on the bottom myself, through text, and link codes, manually? (not the base ones)

Posted by Weathered on Oct 5, 08 9:03 pm
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  • 24 years old
layout designed by alek